UT Pangkalpinang Online atau disingkat UPO,
Adalah Aplikasi Informasi Akademik UT Pangkalpinang.
Apa saja sih fitur yang ada di UPO, yukk simak :
1. Tampilan UI Modern
2. Kemudahan Akses Berbagai UT Online
3. Cepat dan Tepat mendapatkan Informasi Akademik Perkuliahan di UT Pangkalpinang
4. Berita dan Pengumuman Auto Sync dengan website UT Pusat
5. Terdapat kemudahan dalam Akses Timeline Akademik, serta Jadwal TTM dan Lokasi Ujian.
UT Pangkalpinang Online or abbreviated as UPO,
Is the UT Pangkalpinang Academic Information Application.
What are the features in UPO, let's see:
1. Display of Modern UI
2. Ease of Access to Various UT Online
3. Quick and Right to get Academic Information for Lectures at UT Pangkalpinang
4. News and Announcements Auto Sync with the UT Center website
5. There is convenience in Accessing the Academic Timeline, as well as the TTM Schedule and Test Location.